
Life after football isn’t the same. Every man has his time to call it quits and walk away. What happens after that is anyone’s guess, afforded with riches usually reserved for the wealthiest persons in America former pro athletes are faced with many open doors after their playing careers are finished.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson stars as Spencer Stasmore in the HBO series Ballers. As a retired former All Pro defensive lineman for the Miami Dolphins Spencer Stasmore, knows all the ins-and-outs of the NFL and chooses to use his money to invest in himself as a financial manger for other NFL athletes.
The business side of football is an intriguing example of how money is power in the capitalistic market that is the United States, but even more important is the trust in relationships and how the flow of money influences the actions of people Ill equipped for this much wealth.
Going from having nothing to having everything is the goal for most of us, so to understand the mindset of the successful should always be the goal and improvement the intention.

Ballers is going into its third season and can be found on HBO, enjoy the show and form your own opinion on how to handle wealth, because there’s always room for improvement.

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