The Office

The greatest comedy series to ever grace television, The Office displays the hilarious relationships maintained inside Dunder Mifflin paper company. Micheal Scott is the office manager and has about as much common sense as a rock, the classic example of a leader unfit to oversee the operations of a business which makes the show absolutely golden. He seemingly always finds a way to mess everything up.

No one dreams of working in a paper company, but the cast still finds ways to interestingly pass the time and cultivate meaningful and sometimes toxic relationships.The manager position is coveted by Scott, leaving much to be desired by his employees dealing with the fact they work at a paper company in a culture that uses less paper as technology advances. Knowing this,understanding the main characters and their aspirations helps you empathize with them and it feels like you know them somehow.

The Office takes place in the small town of Scranton, Pennsylvania and the main cast includes features Steve Carell, Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, B. J. Novak, James Spader and Ed Helms. The show ran for 9 seasons and has 201 episodes, all originally aired on NBC but now available on Netflix. micheal-scott

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Summary of my blogging experience

small me .PNGThis imagine of my younger self perfectly describes my blogging experience because at times i was unsure and felt small in the vast world of the internet, but as I kept writing and posting blogs things got easier as my experience grew. Tools that I found most effective were the “add media” icon on the WordPress website, it helped inset images and slideshows to my blogs. Another difference maker on WordPress is how you can hyperlink text to provide the reader with content that supports your blog and helps the reader gain context. gave me many options while writing my blogs, I felt whatever topic I was writing on, if I needed a link to support my text I could just hyperlink and have the new link open in a new tab and I think that is awesome.

What I wish I could improve on my blogs is the time I spend writing my posts, if my parents paid for everything and money was never a concern of mine, the quantity of my words and quality of my work would be fantastic, but pressed for time and money the blogs became a secondary concern of mine and I wish I could’ve spent more time making everything perfect.

The blog has benefited me giving me writing experience and exposure on Twitter as a writer, and I could use the type of creative thinking required in these blogs for some sort of career in writing later on down the line if I can find a job that will pay me to write.

Speaking statistically, my second post had the most views at 15. The post probably got the most views because the trailer in the link attached is great and I gave a solid intro to the show. I think my work got better after my second post, but an error posting my following blogs derailed my chance for people to view following blog posts on time.

Overall, its been a long semester but it has gone by quick. From my first blog to now I feel like a completely different person, but I’ve learned many things along the way and am grateful to have a class that let me write on one of my interests.