The Office

The greatest comedy series to ever grace television, The Office displays the hilarious relationships maintained inside Dunder Mifflin paper company. Micheal Scott is the office manager and has about as much common sense as a rock, the classic example of a leader unfit to oversee the operations of a business which makes the show absolutely golden. He seemingly always finds a way to mess everything up.

No one dreams of working in a paper company, but the cast still finds ways to interestingly pass the time and cultivate meaningful and sometimes toxic relationships.The manager position is coveted by Scott, leaving much to be desired by his employees dealing with the fact they work at a paper company in a culture that uses less paper as technology advances. Knowing this,understanding the main characters and their aspirations helps you empathize with them and it feels like you know them somehow.

The Office takes place in the small town of Scranton, Pennsylvania and the main cast includes features Steve Carell, Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, B. J. Novak, James Spader and Ed Helms. The show ran for 9 seasons and has 201 episodes, all originally aired on NBC but now available on Netflix. micheal-scott

photo credited to

Summary of my blogging experience

small me .PNGThis imagine of my younger self perfectly describes my blogging experience because at times i was unsure and felt small in the vast world of the internet, but as I kept writing and posting blogs things got easier as my experience grew. Tools that I found most effective were the “add media” icon on the WordPress website, it helped inset images and slideshows to my blogs. Another difference maker on WordPress is how you can hyperlink text to provide the reader with content that supports your blog and helps the reader gain context. gave me many options while writing my blogs, I felt whatever topic I was writing on, if I needed a link to support my text I could just hyperlink and have the new link open in a new tab and I think that is awesome.

What I wish I could improve on my blogs is the time I spend writing my posts, if my parents paid for everything and money was never a concern of mine, the quantity of my words and quality of my work would be fantastic, but pressed for time and money the blogs became a secondary concern of mine and I wish I could’ve spent more time making everything perfect.

The blog has benefited me giving me writing experience and exposure on Twitter as a writer, and I could use the type of creative thinking required in these blogs for some sort of career in writing later on down the line if I can find a job that will pay me to write.

Speaking statistically, my second post had the most views at 15. The post probably got the most views because the trailer in the link attached is great and I gave a solid intro to the show. I think my work got better after my second post, but an error posting my following blogs derailed my chance for people to view following blog posts on time.

Overall, its been a long semester but it has gone by quick. From my first blog to now I feel like a completely different person, but I’ve learned many things along the way and am grateful to have a class that let me write on one of my interests.


Burn Notice

The legend of Micheal Weston lives on through Netflix! Burn Notice, one of USA networks most successful productions running for just over six years with over 100 episodes.
Jeffrey Donovan stars as burned spy Micheal Weston, living in Miami with no cash, no credit and no job history. He simply does whatever work comes his way with his two close allies and his mother by his side.
Weston finds himself in many interesting situations trying to do what’s best for the people around him and always finds a way to survive despite the odds usually set against him. The show provides the classic example of doing the wrong things for the right reasons.

Burn Notice solidified within me that intentions rule during every action you take in your life and how doing the right thing all the time and finding solutions is key in survival.

I would put this series in my top 3 of all time when it comes to television hour long dramas, you can learn many things about the toll the military and living life in danger everyday and how it effects the way people operate and their presence in the moments that matter the most.

Like any great series, this show can be watched for hours at a time so watch at your own risk! It might just turn you into a badass


Life after football isn’t the same. Every man has his time to call it quits and walk away. What happens after that is anyone’s guess, afforded with riches usually reserved for the wealthiest persons in America former pro athletes are faced with many open doors after their playing careers are finished.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson stars as Spencer Stasmore in the HBO series Ballers. As a retired former All Pro defensive lineman for the Miami Dolphins Spencer Stasmore, knows all the ins-and-outs of the NFL and chooses to use his money to invest in himself as a financial manger for other NFL athletes.
The business side of football is an intriguing example of how money is power in the capitalistic market that is the United States, but even more important is the trust in relationships and how the flow of money influences the actions of people Ill equipped for this much wealth.
Going from having nothing to having everything is the goal for most of us, so to understand the mindset of the successful should always be the goal and improvement the intention.

Ballers is going into its third season and can be found on HBO, enjoy the show and form your own opinion on how to handle wealth, because there’s always room for improvement.

Vice Principals

Vice Principals Trailer
Danny McBride (Neal Gamby) and Walton Goggens (Lee Russell) costar in the over-the-top vulgar comedy Vice Principals. The subtly ironic title fits the show as Gamby fights to become principal of North Jackson High School. 

Belinda Brown is the new principal and both Mcbride and Russell are coming for her spot. They do everything in their power to take hers away. The series only lasts one season and isn’t critically acclaimed. 

I enjoyed Mcbride and Goggens vulgar exchanges and their cruel plots leading to the demise of Brown and the real life situations in a public school setting that I can relate too. The show does a great job of drawing you in and giving the characters your full empathy. 

Blog Review of Decider

Decider is a website dedicated to helping you choose which shows to watch on the major online streaming powerhouses. 

Adjacent to the Decider title on their homepage is a menu bar for the website that shows a drop down list of these streaming networks with different articles recommending new shoes.

I enjoy the variety offered and coverage of all platforms and genres of shows and movies across these networks including HBO GO, Netflix, Hulu, Google Play and YouTube. 

You can follow @decider on Twitter to catch new articles as they’re posted on the shows you want to see. 


Atlanta Trailer (FX)

Donald Glover’s Atlanta is one of my favorite new shows. He displays genius in the way he shows you life through his eyes and helps people understand issues they may never consider otherwise.White privilege is a reality in America and blacks are at a disadvantage because of the oppression placed on them through judgement by white people who do not understand the daily struggles of black people.

Racism is still the most important social issue in America today and things will not get better until there is change. Maybe not in laws or policies but in how we treat our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity and see past color and have empathy for everyone’s issues. Taking time to really see people for their intentions and who they are and not simply what they’ve been through is the ultimate test of a humans character.

Co-stars Donald Glover (Earnest “Earn” Marks) and Brian Tyree Henry (Alfred “Paper boi” Miles) play the role of black cousins just trying to do whatever they can to survive as adults in Atlanta. The show displays a perspective shared by many but different to what people usually associate with the seemingly glamorous city of Atlanta.

Glover works issues such as police brutality, mistreatment of people with mental heath issues and transphobia into his plots and shares the experiences of black middle class Atlanta citizens. The show is wrapping up its first season right now and episodes can be found here. Enjoy!

The Night Of

The Night Of: Trailer (HBO)
Protagonist Nasir Khan is a Pakistani American born in Queens, New York. A college student, Nasir is beloved by his classmates and serves as a math tutor helping his peers. Naturally known as a pushover, he does what people tell him and stays out of the way. 

Andrea Cornish, the 22-year-old victim was stabbed to death the night of July 10th. That night, Khan woke up close to dawn and headed up to Andreas room to retrieve his keys and wish her farewell. 

Khan enters the room finding Andrea bloody and battered with a score of punctures in her flesh. Dumbfounded, he grabs the knife off the nightstand in a panic and makes a break for it.

Did Nasir Khan kill Andrea Cornish? 

You’ll have to watch to find out 

Unlimited Perspective: An Introduction

My name is Dalton Burch and I am a senior at Texas State University. I am writing this blog to help everyone consume visual communication more accurately and to see things in every light imaginable. As American citizens in the 21st century we have more control than ever over the things we say, watch and hear. Television has exploded into one of the highest grossing markets in the world and will only continue to grow if the money keeps pushing the product to higher levels.

We can learn so much from what we hear and see everyday, it helps us become who we are and decide in each moment what we want for our lives. Access to thousands of TV series and films is a reality for anyone reading this post right now. The truth that TV teaches us, is that we really aren’t that different. Empathy plays the most important role in any communication, whether verbal or visual, we want to hear and see things that make us feel like ourselves and provide us with a feeling of knowledge and entertainment. We ultimately become everything we engage ourselves in during our time living.

We are the actors and we have full choice over the way we perceive everything that happens outside our bodies. Salvation lies within, not outside ourselves. This is what film teaches us and why I feel it is important to understand the messages in media and see every truth that is set before us. Shows I will be featuring this semester include Atlanta, Ballers, The Night Of, Vice Principles and more. These new shows are some of the best out right now and shed light on entertaining perspectives, some serious and others funny. I will provide a good mixture of content on these series and detail important turning points and the things that make these series great. I will use Youtube and other sources to give clips of scenes.

Y’all enjoy!

Follow me on Twitter @dburch_